How to remove sidebar in blogger and create a full width page

How to remove sidebar in blogger and create a full width page

Today all of us will learn some basic tricks and tips about how to create a full width page in blogger blog and remove its sidebar. Being a blogger user, sometimes you thought to create a full with page having no sidebar that looks more professional. You will often have a contact us page or about me page even though some of have advertise us page on their blog/ websites. So these are typical statics pages contains no more than bio data, web site information

How to Create Page Without Sidebar?

This will work on both you can increase width for page as well as for post.
Just follow our below given steps:

1. Go to >> Add NEW Page/Post
2. Now select HTML TAB on Blogger Post Editor
3. Paste the following CSS and XML Code:
#sidebar-wrapper, #midsidebar-wrapper, .gapad2, .blog-pager, .post-header-line-1, .post-footer { display:none !important;} #main-wrapper { width:98%!important;} .post { width:98%!important; }
4. Replace width:98% according to your needs, you can even uses pixels instead of percentage i.e. 960px.

Additional Tips: If you want to exclude Titles from a certain page, then just paste the following code before </style> in above coding. Bots and crawlers will continue to fetch your Title, but human visitors will not view them because with the help of CSS we have concealed them.
.post-title, .post-labels, post-icons, post-author {display:none!important;}

5. Now Publish it and then visit your site to witness a perfect full width page without sidebar.

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Do you Download Facebook videos for free??

Do you Download Facebook videos for free??

you can choose following step:

step 1: Install Helper by clicking here:  Install

Now a green arrow will appear next to videos. Clicking the arrow lets you choose the quality and format of the video to download

step 2: Download the video directly from the website.

Copy the link to the video and paste it into an input field at Click the "Download" button on the right. You will be prompted to choose the format and quality of the video file to download.
You will be shown a list of direct links to all videos on the web page.

Note: If your attempt to download the video via is unsuccessful, install Helper and download the video by following the instructions for Method 1
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